


Have you been watching the WJA sign change weekly? There have been some pretty catchy lines lately, and they
have been chosen and positioned by our own 5th – 8th grade class. Some have been funny such as “If you’re reading this sign you’re not watching the road.” Others are more inspirational, “Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let things go” and “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” Keep your eye out, and be sure to
thank the students for their efforts.

For Bible labs this month the whole school got together and designed cards using our creative ideas to express
appreciation to the leaders of the SDA church. You might not realize it, but we children at the WJA school really look up to all you leaders in our church. Also, a couple months ago we painted rocks that had positive words and pictures on them, then we gifted some companies with those rocks. They were so popular, they are asking for more. WJA is making an impact in our community!

Here’s some exciting news. Sunday – Thursday, April 6-24, 2025, the Wilson Jr Academy’s 7-10 graders will be leading out in an evangelistic series entitled “Revealing Jesus”, a nightly meeting where we will each share an in-depth look at who Jesus is and why he matters to us. Materials developed by the North American Division will be used for this series. The NAD is investing millions of dollars on these meetings across the nation, encouraging both churches and schools to participate by providing $3000 per group that participates in the spread of the gospel in 2025. Be watching for more information!

And finally, we are sure you are all anxiously waiting for our long-awaited Christmas program entitled “Follow That
Star”. Rehearsals and practices are ramping up as we approach performance day. Bells are practicing their songs
attempting to perfect our technique and teamwork, and our play cast is memorizing their lines, and props are being built. Only a few days away for our big performance on Dec 7. We hope to see you there along with friends, and we appreciate your prayers. We desire to bring honor to our God through our efforts. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ginnie Hakes
Principal, Wilson Junior Academy


Adventist Accredited Association


Wilson Junior Academy
N13925 County Rd 551
Wilson, MI 49896
Phone: 906-639 2566

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